Just a quick post to share with you my past Salesforce Dev401 Exam study materials. I have assembled this table of 87 questions when I was studying for the exam back in January 2011.
These are not actual Exam questions, don't be fooled!
This is study stuff that I have compiled reading the study guides and the available training materials I found online. It did help me pass the exam. The quiz like questions I compiled helped me a lot to understand concepts and limits.
I have also tried to categorise the questions & quizzes by the Salesforce Dev401 study guide syllabus.
Here is the link to the questions: http://apex-outsource.com/pls/apex/f?p=309:Dev401
Hope it helps!
thank you for sharing!
ReplyDeleteThe link is not working..could you please share the new link for the 87b questions
ReplyDeleteAnonymous, link is back online, sorry for inconvenience :-)
ReplyDeleteok thank u for more helpful
ReplyDeletePlease visit for sample questions on dev 401